General Meetings are open to all students to discuss and make decisions on matters that impact student life. Any student can propose ideas by submitting motions and voice their opinions by voting to shape the direction of the Students’ Union.

General Meetings are held four times an academic year, with students able to attend in-person and online. At each General Meeting, your elected Sabbatical Officers will update you on what they have been doing to represent you and then discuss ideas and motions proposed by students.

Motion Submission Form

Discuss your ideas with us!

If you would like to discuss your idea, would like support in writing a motion, or would like to know more about General Meetings, you can schedule an informal chat with Sabbatical Officer or a member of staff by scheduling an appointment

Appointment Scheduling Form


Upcoming General Meetings

2023 / 2024


1.30-3.30pm, 16th May 2024 (MS Teams)

Previous General Meetings

You can view all previous papers relating to General Meetings below.

2022 / 2023


2021 / 2022