University of Stirling Mini Golf Club

Who we are

Hey Everyone!

Firstly, we would like to thank all of you who signed up to be a part of the Mini Golf Club at our stall! 

We are the University of Stirling Mini Golf Club: a very chill and social club for people looking for a fun way to meet new people that is easy to combine with a busy schedule!

We have created a Facebook Group called 'Stirling University Mini Golf 2024/25' where we will post all updates regarding when we will be playing, socials and any other info that will be useful so please all join this and follow our Instagram @stiruni_minigolf


  • Full membership cost is £40
    • This includes around 6 rounds of mini golf (not transportation)
  • The quicker you all sign up for this membership, the quicker we can get our trips sorted!

If anyone has any other friends or knows of anyone you think might be interested in joining, please let us know and encourage them to come along (and join the Facebook Page)!!

If anyone has any questions, feel free to get in touch with any of us or DM the Facebook or Instagram Page :) 

We can't wait to get started!

Love from,

Your committee (Ewan, Connor, Cameron) 


Our committee members

Ewan Stephenson
Cameron Muir
Connor Watt

Get In Touch!

Join us

  • University of Stirling Mini Golf Club Student Membership£40.00
  • University of Stirling Mini Golf Club Non-Student Membership£40.00