Quality Students' Union accreditation

Award of Very Good from the NUS Quality Students' Union framework.

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We are thrilled and proud to announce that Your Students' Union has been awarded an overall rating of Very Good in a recent Quality Students' Union assessment. Quality Students’ Unions has been developed by NUS to assure the quality, standards and overall effectiveness of students’ Union's. This quality mark is a single management tool that interlocks with, and complements, relevant standards and codes that already exist within the student movement.

The scheme, run by the National Union of Students (NUS) involves both critical self-assessment of our activity and scrutiny by an external auditor against a number of descriptors. The crucial element of this work is that it is judged against work undertaken at other Union's and reaffirms the role that Your Union is playing in everyday student life. Within our overall rating or Very Good, several of the specific areas assessed came back as excellent. Whilst this award is great for the Union, it is vital that we use it as platform to continue our good work and continue improving to ensure we deliver in making students' lives better.

The areas assessed in the scheme are:

1. Governance, leadership and management              

  • 1. Strategic planning                    

  • 2. Relationships and partnerships

  • 3. Governance                  

  • 4. Democracy

  • 5. People

2. Activities

  • 6. Communication

  • 7. Services

  • 8. Participation

  • 9. Representation and campaigning

3. Outcomes

  • 10. Review and evaluation

  • 11. Context

  • 12. Impact


