Weekly dance lessons at Latin Dance Society

Tuesday 04 April 2023 7pm - 9pm

Stirling Students' Union (Venue)

On Tuesdays we meet for lessons in the Students' Union (Venue), which is next to Starbucks. 

The schedule is as follows:

  • 7 pm - 8 pm: Bachata
  • 8 pm - 9 pm: Salsa     
  • 9.00 pm - 9.30 pm: Social dancing (Practice and socializing time)

Level: open level (= we welcome dancers of all levels)

Come alone or bring a friend (no dancing partner required). We welcome students, staff members and members of the local community! Regardless of their gender, dancers are encouraged and free to choose whether they'd like to dance as a leader or as a follower.

Drop in to a class and pay in cash, or pay for a month of beginner or improver classes through the Students Union website (link online available in Students' Union website from 1st to 11th April). (Spoiler: paying for the month is more cost-effective since you will pay less per class.)

Latin Dance Society links (social media, news, and more!) https://linktr.ee/latindancesocietyuos