Spring Focus Groups: Young Entrants

Wednesday 07 April 2021 2pm - 3pm

MS Teams

 The Students’ Union is conducting a number of focus groups throughout the Spring 2021 Semester in line with the theme of Accessibility and Inclusion. We hope to make the student experience in Stirling a welcoming and supportive one for ALL students, so we would like to hear from you on how we can do that! We hope these sessions not only help identify issues to address here and now, but also how we can carry on work long term in the Students Union towards Accessibility and Inclusion. See below the different sessions we will be holding and more details on what we are looking to explore.

We also know that for some of you, you may not be able to attend the session for various reasons, and some of you may not feel super comfortable in a small group setting like this over Microsoft Teams, so we will also be offering the option of sending in responses to some questions via email. 

If you would like to sign up for a session, please email Lexi at education.union@stir.ac.uk and please include your name, what you are studying (and year/mode), which session(s) you would like to attend, and whether you would like to join the focus group session or send in responses via email.

We would also like to assure you that all information gathered will be treated in accordance with the Students’ Union’s GDPR policy, which can be found here: https://www.stirlingstudentsunion.com/privacy/

Session 7: Young Entrants (Wednesday April 7th @2-3)

There are quite a few of our students who come to University before they are 18, and we know that this can be a rather unique experience for these students, so we would like to better understand what that I s like so that we can help make the University more supportive for students like you. We would also like to know how the Students’ Union can be more inclusive to young entrants, ranging from our Clubs and Societies, to the academic rep system, to our environmental work, and everything in between.