Candidate for the position of International Officer

Image for Nurken Begali

Nurken Begali

Nurken for International Unity - Bridging Borders, Empowering Students, Achieving Results

Hello everyone,

My name is Nurken Begali and I am thrilled to be running for the position of International Volunteering Officer at the University of Stirling. As a Business and Finance third-year student, I believe I have the skills, experience, and commitment needed to make a positive impact for international students at the university.

I have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing international students, having served as a Student Ambassador and Module Representative for four different modules. In these roles, I have developed a passion for advocating for the rights and needs of international students, and I am eager to continue this work in my role as International Volunteering Officer.

My goal is to create a university community that is inclusive, supportive, and empowering for international students. To achieve this goal, I have identified several areas that I want to focus on, including:

Raise Awareness: As the International Volunteering Officer, I will work to raise awareness among the university community of the relevant issues affecting international students, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met. I will work closely with student organizations and international student groups to identify the most pressing concerns and develop effective solutions. I will also make sure to raise awareness about the various opportunities available to international students, such as Career Employability Services, Money Advisors, Mental Support, Academic Support, Enterprise Program. 

Strengthen Support for International Students: I will work to provide support and resources to international students, including language classes, cultural events, and access to local resources, helping them to successfully navigate their time at the University of Stirling. My goal is to ensure that all international students receive the support they need to thrive academically and socially during their time at the university.

Promote Cultural Exchange: I will facilitate cultural exchange programs that allow international and domestic students to learn from each other, promoting understanding and unity within the university community. My goal is to facilitate at least two cultural exchange programs per semester, reaching at least 50 international and 50 domestic students each time.

Support International Student Employment: I recognize that it can be challenging for international students to secure employment, especially those with initial overseas experience. That is why I will work to provide support and resources to help international students in their job search, including career counseling, resume building workshops, and networking events with local businesses. My goal is to help international students succeed in their professional and career goals while studying at the university.

Promote Societies for International Students: I will also promote societies like the Language Exchange society and the International society to help international students connect with each other, practice speaking their native language, and learn about different cultures. 

With these initiatives and a commitment to achieving results, I am confident that we can build a university community that is inclusive and supportive of all students, regardless of their background. Vote for Nurken for a united and successful future!