Candidate for the position of Vice President Education

Image for Stewart Gallacher

Stewart Gallacher

Positive change starts with you, vote for Stewart.

Hi Everyone,

My name is Stewart Gallacher, and I am a final-year Primary Education student. I have enjoyed my time here at Stirling gaining a lot of knowledge and having some really great experiences. I was fortunate enough to be a faculty officer and module rep for 3 years here and have extensive knowledge about supporting students in the context of education along with supporting students during difficult times. I have also been fortunate enough to have input into how new modules should run and have been involved in discussions about how current modules should be adapted. I have also sat on a variety of different panels with aims to support and develop the student experience and provide feedback to the university about potential changes.  

I know I have a lot to bring to this role and have plenty of experience to support this. Here are some of the key points I would like to tackle if I was elected.

Tackling the cost-of-living crisis and hidden fees within courses. University life can be expensive both as an on-campus/local student and equally as a commuter student. Having to buy books that are seen as necessary or field trips that are part of a course can be an added stress to students. Encouraging faculties to be more transparent in what is deemed essential or recommended will allow students to better budget their finances.  

Improving academic integrity. Running workshops/seminars to help students’ awareness of plagiarism. Supporting students to know who and where they can go to for support if they are in a meeting about plagiarism can be a stressful time.

Improving engagement and representation. For a university to function at its peak it needs active and engaged students. Faculty Officers and module reps allow the Students’ Union and the University as a whole to know what is working and what isn’t. Without these vital roles, issues may go unaddressed and students may find it difficult to know where to go when they are looking for support. Improving clarity surrounding both the roles of module reps and faculty officers, enhancing training and promoting benefits of both. I also want to continue to show off and celebrate the diverse student population that Stirling has and support those students who need more representation in a way that is best for them.

Increasing inclusivity and accessibility. Using classrooms as study spaces. Helping to keep the hybrid learning option as a useful and sustainable tool. The hybrid option of learning is a proven way for students to access quality education. This also allows students who may have barriers or struggle to physically be in university the opportunity to access the education Stirling University has to offer.

Continuing to build a stronger and closer community. Stirling has always had a great and strong student community and this is something that has been affected by the pandemic. I aim to restore the community that we once had along with adding options to make community spaces hybrid friendly.