Candidate for the position of International Officer

Image for Anuoluwapo Adegbola

Anuoluwapo Adegbola

"There is a place like home"

Hi, I am Anu and I am running for the position of International Officer. I am currently studying Business Analytics as a postgraduate student. I am originally from Nigeria and I speak English and Yoruba fluently. Some of the hobbies I have been making friends, traveling, and learning new languages.

As a first-year postgraduate student I have noticed and personally experienced that settling in as an international student is not easy. I think it is fair to say that I have a unique insight into the challenges international students face when they come to a different country to study. Integrating into a new society and finding new friends are just a few examples of issues that international students try to tackle. That is why I am stepping in to make your student life easy and enjoyable.

My steady background and practical experience as a welfare officer during my undergraduate period will assist me to contribute to the office.

During my tenure, I will organize more activities including the annual festival where international students can meet up and socialize, and network. I plan to cooperate with the International Student society to arrange memorable events which include cultural events. The cultural events will be an opportunity for us to learn more about each other’s cultural background such as language, food, music, and traditions. Also, I will create a program whereby students come together once a week to learn other languages.

Secondly, provide a mentoring program between the current International students and the incoming International/Exchange students to help them settle into the university better.

Thirdly, generally, assist International students with problems that I and other International students have faced when moving to Scotland by organizing meetings where these problems are tabled and appropriate actions would be taken towards solving them.

Fourthly, assist and provide information to the international students on job opportunities and career development.

Finally, represent the International students all over the university and beyond.

I believe that with my experience and with your help I can make a great difference for the International students in this University.

Thank you.