Candidate for the position of Health & Wellbeing Officer

Image for Chiara Boscolo Papo

Chiara Boscolo Papo

Accessible and Inclusive Health For All

MANIFESTO for Health & Wellbeing Officer

My name is Chiara but most people at the university know me as Charlie.

I am running for this position because I believe that the health and wellbeing of students is an essential part of their university experience and should be promoted as such.

I also believe that it is something that affects every aspect of student life, which is why most of my plans involve collaborations with other officers and members of the Students’ Union.


Mental Health

  • Improve the advertisement and promotion of the services that the university has to offer, possibly by creating a specific social media account focused on wellbeing to better signpost them.
  • Collaborate with BAME Officer to establish specific mental health support for students of colour and with International Officer for international and foreign students.
  • Collaborate with VP Education and Postgraduate Officer in order to establish better support for students reaching the end of their time at university and to help make the transition easier on them.
  • Collaborate with VP Education to ensure that students are made aware of trigger warnings before engaging with lectures or reading materials that contain sensitive topics.


Physical Health

  • Work with VP Sports President and Officers to ensure that sport is more inclusive and accessible for everyone, especially within the new sport facilities.
  • Organise inclusive events such as swimming sessions for LGBT+ Students and sensory inclusive experiences for disabled and sensitive students.
  • Promote healthy eating and healthy habits through the Union website and social media, as well as via posters and events on campus.


Sexual Health

  • Better and more inclusive sexual health education around campus.
  • Revision and improvement of current campaigns in collaboration with the Union and promotion of the services offered by the Student Hub.


Social Health

  • More daytime and non-drinking events, as well as more inclusive ones for students with sensory issues or with conditions such as social anxiety.
  • Ensure that new Campus Central facilities have quiet areas and affordable healthy food choices and spaces.