Candidate for the position of Vice President Communities

Image for James Fitzsimons

James Fitzsimons

I'm Better at Leading than I am at Slogans

Who am I?

Hi! I’m James Fitzsimons, current Station Manager for Air3 Radio and former Head of Production at Air3. I’m in my 4th year of studying Psychology. I have been involved in the union for several years now, having joined societies in my 2nd year. From there I’ve made myself familiar with the procedures behind getting things done through the union, aided by the fact I have also participated and even helped set up a few events. Events like the volunteer awards I hosted last year, or all the events I have been a part of covering through Air3 Radio, many of which included intersociety collaboration so I am no stranger to working well with others.

Why I’m running

I think I am suitable for the role of Vice President Communities because I am dedicated, friendly, and already familiar with much of the union staff and procedures. I would create a welcoming environment so that students would feel comfortable coming to me with any issues or questions they might have and having shadowed the current vice president of communities for a day, I feel I have a decent understanding of what the job entails and see it well within my ability. On top of that I have been Station Manager of Air3 Radio for a year and have accumulated skills such as working in a team, event planning, problem solving and working under pressure.

What I hope to accomplish

  • Creating career opportunities out of clubs and societies
  • Increase student engagement by recruiting ALS members to give clubs and societies advice or adding a mini clubs and societies fayre that takes place in the halls of residence.
  • Promotion of equal rights and opportunities for all
  • Create greater support and information network for club presidents by making a packet with all the information on initiatives and funding opportunities available to them.
  • Reduction of number of members required to start a society from 10 to 5-7 to allow more niche interests to be able to start their own society.
  • Reducing quoracy required for committee elections in clubs. Societies who find themselves unable to increase member engagement but need to elect committee members would find it beneficial to have to meet a lower requirement of members present at the meeting.
  • Promotion of environmentally friendly initiatives
  • Increase the engagement of members of the university with union events and to encourage as many students as possible to join in and get involved with the union

Thanks for taking the time to read my manifesto, I hope it gave you something to think about and that you’ll vote me come election day.