Candidate for the position of Sustainability Officer

Image for Lea Barbett

Lea Barbett

Vote Lea as Environment and Ethics Officer- for a sustainable and happy campus


I want to work with the existing environmental projects on campus, start new projects, and campaign to ensure sustainability on campus. Especially food options for students are a focus for me.


Green and Blue Space:

  • Work with volunteers to keep the Green and Blue space alive and thriving after the staff leaves
  • Actively support the ongoing process of applying for funds for the green and blue space to pay for a possible staff member, projects, volunteer training etc.
    • E.g. through bottle tax



  • More options on Campus for people with special diet requirements like people with allergies or intolerances, vegetarians, and vegans
    • Easier guidelines to allergens, marking of vegan/ vegetarian food
  • Meat-free Monday Campaign: Save the planet by skipping meat only once a week
  • Work with union outlets to use local organic food to keep the carbon footprint low and the food quality high
    • Provide healthy food options


NUS Green Impact

  • Keep working on the aims of the Green Impact Excellence: the project for a waste free campus does not end with the award
  • Keep meeting the standards to win Gold in the Green Impact Awards and have our union recognised